Thursday, November 8, 2012



Those who have seen my posts on Facebook and Twitter will know full well that I followed (with great gusto) the US Presidential Race. I keenly watched every debate and joined in the millions of Americans who every day tweeted their opinions on the candidates and their policies. I laughed when Obama laughed, and tried to hold back tears when his first debate was a colossal failure. I clenched my fists and ground my teeth in anger whenever Romney opened his mouth, and I have passionately argued against his views.

Those who know me well know that I am not a ‘politico’. The only thing I really know about Julia Gillard is that she has really bad hair. Likewise, my knowledge of Boris Johnson begins and ends with my love of his infamous blonde locks.

Having said all this I perhaps shouldn't have been surprised when, upon seeing me in fits of happiness and excitement at the results of last night’s election, I started getting asked, “why do you care?!”

I was asked this so many times I thought it might be best if I was to explain.

Immigration Policy is one of the big reasons why I care about the US election. Obviously this will one day affect me because I am not a US citizen. Romney stated that his party ‘loves’ legal immigration, but would take a tougher stance against ‘illegal’ immigrants who are every day crossing the borders, overstaying visas, and seeking refuge in the US. This argument actually made up a disproportionate part of Romney’s campaign. What Romney really meant was this: “Let scientists, entrepreneurs, and technology geniuses into America so that they can start American companies that will bolster the economy. Everybody else, especially the Mexicans, can stay out”.

Romney even went as far as to propose the construction of a high security electric fence to run the border.

Didn't they make a movie about this?! Oh yes: Machete. Robert De Niro played (Mitt Romney) the Presidential candidate.

You want to know why you lost the Latino vote, Mitt?!?

As somebody who might one day want to take an extended working holiday in the US who does not understand science, I can’t say that the Romney/Ryan policy is incredibly attractive to me.

Education really needs to be a priority because I am really sick of Americans being the butt of every joke because they are stupid. Don’t get me wrong: I know a lot of Americans that are very well educated, intelligent, and eloquent. Unfortunately, they do not represent the majority of the country (or at least not in the eyes of the rest of the world). Obama put together a plan to really make education a priority. He fought against the increase of student loan interest rates which saved the education sector close to 60 billion USD. This money was then put towards college grants, and capping student loan rates. Mitt Romney paid no attention to the issue, other than to state that people who could not afford college education should simply “borrow the money from their parents”.

Uh, yeah Mitt. You’re right. The best way to stop breeding new generations of idiots is to encourage them to borrow money (from their parent’s money tree no doubt).

I CANNOT deal with more people who cannot read, write, or figure out where Sweden is on a map. This will simply spawn more things like ‘Teen Mom’ being accepted as normalcy. People are getting dumber, and they need to be stopped.

Further to all of this, equality is really something that I think people take for granted in the Western world. I honestly didn’t think twice about the fact that I was entitled to education until I read about Malala Yousifazi being shot by the Taliban for supporting a women’s right to study.

Our ideas on equality were seriously brought into question by this election. Mitt’s views on Hispanics, Gay and Lesbian couples, and a woman’s right to choose really made me take a look at how equal we really are.

So if all of this is happening in America, why do I care about it all the way in Australia?

All over the world there are developing countries that are looking to the US to set the example. Note that these countries are developing: they are growing in power and prominence on an international scale. America has huge amounts of influence in the Western World, and American culture is seen by many as some sort of ‘pinnacle’ of existence. It seems we have evolved in many ways yet still seem to believe in the Great American Dream.

Do we want countries developing to new heights of discrimination? Or should we be encouraging them to educate themselves on the matter; to love one another; and to realize that countries must rise and fall “as one family” regardless of their gender, race, or sexual preference?

The elected President of the United States needs to lead the way for every country that has become accustomed to McDonalds, Friends, Apple computers, and Starbucks Coffee; and have grown to believe that the American ideals are to be held in the highest esteem.

I care about the US Election because regardless of the outcome, America will continue to sit on a pedestal for so many people all over the world who aspire to their influence and ‘greatness’.

And for all those who will try to argue that decisions made in America cannot have international aftermath?

In 2001, George Bush made a decision that sent 28 nations to war and killed millions of innocent people.

I care because I don’t want to see that happening again.


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